I have been reviewing the UCP Proposed Curriculum but I have not yet finished an in-depth review. However, I can tell you that I am not happy with the Fine Arts, Social Studies and the Physical Education and Wellness sections. The Social Studies Curriculum would be very confusing to young students and does very little to help them learn about Canada, Alberta and our Diversity. It includes too much memorization of facts and too much American History and not enough skill development. It also does not spend enough time on Canadian Indigenous History. The Fine Arts Curriculum does not have enough hands-on activities for students. It also needs to be broken up into Music and Fine Arts. There is a part in the UCP Curriculum which does put an emphasis on Multi-Media which includes computers - I am ok with that part. Although there are parts of the Science Program that I like, they have taken a large chunk of what students really enjoyed out of the Curriculum. In my view they could have left the majority of that area alone and just tweaked it.
There are parts of the language Arts and Math Program that I do like. There are parts that I would have used in my class when I was teaching. The inclusion of more computer coding is a good thing.
Overall, I would give it a failing grade in need of vast improvement.