Born and raised in Claresholm.
BA Urban Studies U of L, BEd French, Social Major U of L.
Married to Terry with a combined family of 7 children and 16 grandchildren. All of our children attended Lethbridge Public either for all or part of their education.
Taught 24 years in Livingstone Range.
Past member of Minister’s Advisory Committee, University Affairs.
University of Lethbridge Senator for 3 years.
University of Lethbridge Alumni President for 2 years.
Former small business owner – Play It Again Sports.
Former Director of Westminster Revitalization District.
Director of Picture Butte Golf Club.
Member of MPC Committee of Town of Picture Butte.
Former basketball and rugby referee.
Palliser School Division Committees: Budget, Audit, Teacher-Board Master Academy Agreement, Division Review Committee.